
Poker Api Javascript

Poker.JS is a JS lib extend HTML5 canvas to draw poker card. User should easy to create single poker card via img or canvas, or draw card in big canvas.

  1. Poker Api Javascript Link
  2. Poker Api Javascript Cheat
Poker Api Javascript

The getRegistrations() method of the ServiceWorkerContainer interface gets all ServiceWorkerRegistrations associated with a ServiceWorkerContainer, in an array. The method returns a Promise that resolves to an array of ServiceWorkerRegistration.




Return value

A Promise that resolves to an array of ServiceWorkerRegistration objects.


  • 'This code snippet will let you calculate poker probabilities the hard way, using C# and.NET.' The theoretical fundamentals are given in this Wikipedia article about Poker Probabilities and in this excellent statistical tutorial. An example of a complete project written in Objective-C, Java, C/C or Python is found at SpecialKEval.
  • Mar 31, 2013 JavaScript nicely coerces this boolean into an integer (0 for False and 1 for True). If there is no flush, then the index in v is already correct and we simply subtract 0. If there is a flush, then this implies that the value in v could only be that of high card or a straight.


Service Workers
The definition of 'getRegistrations()' in that specification.
Working DraftInitial definition.

Browser compatibility

Poker Api Javascript Cheat

BCD tables only load in the browser