
Feel Bad After Gambling

Well i have struggled with gambling for about 12 years now.

Postpone gambling. Tell yourself that you’ll wait 5 minutes, fifteen minutes, or an hour. As you wait, the urge to gamble may pass or become weak enough to resist. Visualize what will happen if you give in to the urge to gamble. Think about how you’ll feel after all your money is gone and you’ve disappointed yourself and your family again. A gambling addiction affects more than just the gambler. The money lost at the casino could have gone to bills and to provide for a family. Friends and relatives that feel the effects of someone’s gambling problem can seek help from organizations like GamCare. They feel they can't give up on all the time, money and emotion they have put into gambling. They can't accept that they will never win back what they have lost. Some people still believe their system will pay off, their luck will change or they are due to win. Experts say online gaming and gambling addictions are on the rise during the COVID-19 lockdowns. They say the social isolation combined with stress and perhaps monetary concerns are some factors why.

dont even know where to start or what to say....
Started out with slots 12 years ago, it got worse and worse and worse.
used to be couple hundred off paychecks, then whole paychecks
then borrowing money to gambleFeel bad after gambling advice
likely down somewhere around 35 to 40,000 dollars since then.
I won a couple times , 1000 here, couple hundred there, maybe another 1000 over there
put it all back and then more. you know how it goes the win sucks you in
Badthen won 10,000 last year online slots...paid some debt off and oh boy that suckered me in big time
well now i got a visa maxed out at 10,000 and a mastercard at 6000 with 20% interest. lol
all on gambling, never mind the money off pay cheques ..
even when i win i never cash out and stop, even when big amounts like 5000 or 8000
i just up my bets and lose it all
like i always do... greedy want more i guess,
Not even all that crazy about money, like when i have it, i gamble
when i dont have it i still gamble ... what the heck??
sometimes i think i am addicted to the losing not the winning...
i have a kid coming in one month. i have been laid off work,
i have ruined my life and hurt those around me and now my unborn child and my wife will have to
suffer too. I AM THE BIGGEST LOSER.. there is no way back...
i feel suicide the best, although i dont even have life insurance.
I always say i will stop... never do..
i dont get it.,. i dont understand it.. i want to stop... i really do... why cant i
im not stupid, i used to shake my head at people like me wasting there money.,
AfterWHY CANT I STOP. I am so weak of a person i guess..
I HAVE TO JUST STOP no one will or can make me stop but me... I understand this.. but i just cant freaking stop!!! it just dont make sense..

Most people, whether they have a problem with gambling or not, can relate to the idea that people get excited when they win, and feel disappointed when they lose.

Beyond the initial feelings of sadness from losing, when someone has a gambling problem they may feel depressed, as well as perhaps experiencing feelings of shame and guilt.

Signs of depression may include:

  • Increased irritability and frustration
  • Loss of interest in activities and friends
  • Feeling tired and worthless
  • Struggling to sleep or finding it difficult to get out of bed
  • Loss of appetite
  • Negative or hopeless thoughts
Feel Bad After Gambling

Feel Bad After Gambling Advice

Most people experience some of these signs at different times in their lives but if you notice they are happening more often you may be feeling depressed.

Remember there are services available to help you with these feelings, you can speak to one of our counsellors who can help you find the right one, and it’s completely confidential, free and available 24/7.

How common is depression and gambling?

A recent study has found that people with a gambling problem were twice as likely to be depressed and 18 times more likely to experience severe psychological distress than people without a gambling problem.

Further to this, the connection between mood and gambling is not always one-way and being depressed may push someone towards gambling in the first place.

Feel Bad After Gambling

For example, feeling depressed, down or alone can place people at risk of developing or increasing their gambling problem:

  • People may use gambling as a break or escape from negative feelings or situations
  • Gambling may provide a 'pick me up' or a sense of feeling connected to other people.

Dealing with gambling and depression

It is really important to look at your gambling and mood when addressing the problem. This will help you decide what kind of supports and strategies you might want to consider using.

For example, if you gamble because you are lonely, it will be important to look at both the gambling and the loneliness when taking steps to get your control back.

A simple step

Increasing your activity level can be one simple way to help with your depression. It can boost your mood, give you a different focus, increase your sense of control, makes you feel less tired and can help you think more clearly.

Just as you would train before running a marathon for the first time, starting with small steps can be the key. For example:

  • Make your bed – it gets you moving and a sense of achievement for completing an activity.
  • Go for a walk, gradually increasing how far you go each day.
  • Cook a recipe you haven’t tried before.
  • Sign up for a regular activity, this could include:

Feel Bad After Gambling Addiction

o Dancing
o Cooking
o Fitness/Gym
o Men's shed
o Gardening
o Art Class
o Painting
o Knitting
o Woodwork
o Get a Pet
o Singing

Feel Bad After Gambling Losses

Make sure it’s something you enjoy doing, or gives you a sense of satisfaction, this way you will look forward to it and be motivated to participate!

Feel Bad After Gambling Winnings

Next steps

If you think depression is an issue for you, it is important to get help:

  • Speak to one of our counsellors. They will discuss some strategies with you and can also refer you to local services.
  • Talk to someone who you trust and know will listen to your concerns.
  • Visit your G.P. or a mental health professional. They can conduct an assessment and provide treatment and referral if appropriate.
  • Seek support from others in our peer support forums